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00001 #ifndef __ANIMATIONINFO_H
00002 #define __ANIMATIONINFO_H
00004 /* flags */
00006 /*
00007   COLORKEY_PIXEL_TOPLEFT is set when the animation has transparency
00008   and the transparent pixel color is the color of the topleft image
00009   pixel. For example, if the topleft pixel's color is 0x0000FF (blue),
00010   than all 0x0000FF (blue) pixels in the image are interpreted as
00011   transparent.
00013   MASK_PIXEL_COLORKEY is set when a mask should be constructed for the
00014   animation, and the mask should discriminate based on the colorkey.
00015   For example, if the colorkey is 0x0000FF (blue), than the mask should
00016   have OFF (0) in the mask for every 0x0000FF (blue) pixel, and ON (1)
00017   for every other pixel.
00018  */
00020 #define   COLORKEY_NONE                 0
00021 #define   COLORKEY_BLACK                1
00022 #define   COLORKEY_WHITE                2
00023 #define   COLORKEY_RED                  3
00024 #define   COLORKEY_GREEN                4
00025 #define   COLORKEY_BLUE                 5
00026 #define   COLORKEY_PIXEL_TOPLEFT        6
00027 #define   COLORKEY_PIXEL_TOPRIGHT       7
00029 #define   COLORKEY_PIXEL_BOTTOMLEFT     9
00031 #define   MASK_PIXEL_COLORKEY           1
00033 /*
00034   Provides identification and
00035   content information for
00036   tile & object animations.
00037 */
00039 class AnimationInfo
00040 {
00041 private:
00042   string title;
00043   AnimationInfo* flipsrc;
00044   int colorkey;
00045   int flags;
00046   int nframes;
00047   string *filenames; 
00048   int *durations;
00049   SDL_Surface **frames;
00050   Mask **masks;
00051  public:
00052   AnimationInfo( ifstream *f, Display* );
00053   ~AnimationInfo();
00054   int TotalDuration();
00055   void Flip();
00056   void CreateMasks();
00057   SDL_Surface *GetFrame(int f);
00058   int GetDuration(int f);
00059   int GetNFrames();
00060   Mask *GetMask(int f);
00061 };
00063 #endif // __ANIMATIONINFO_H

Generated on Sun Mar 2 18:50:27 2003 for eounicorn by doxygen1.3-rc3